Here’s the thing. A dear friend is in an abusive relationship. At first I wasn’t sure. The things that she shared couldn’t be real. How could it be. No way!

Wrong. Yes way!! It’s just too crazy for words, but true nevertheless.

But until she is going to speak up and report it, there is nothing anyone can do about it. Authorities will not help. They are not allowed to step in until someone gets undeniably physically hurt. And even then, when she chooses to not report is, nothing will be done about it.

She and her kids will be stuck in this situation until she has enough courage to speak up. Chances that this will happen are slim, and getting smaller by the day, because the repercussions are too big. The abuse will only increase. Behind closed doors. So no one will see. When someone does, they’re ousted from their lives, and she’s back to square one.

It’s not always easy to see the signs of abuse, even tougher with mental abuse, but they are there. For people not in the situation it’s easy to turn their heads from it, as it’s to crazy to even talk about it. Ignoring it makes it go away, when it’s not you. The pain that you feel will fade. Not for her. It will get worse until…